Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Life is a journey..part IV

Our trip this time is with our all little precious...our beloved kids...we choose Bukit Tinggi n Selesa Hillhomes for our gathering ...

Yaya, Abang, Adik, Syasya, Ika, Awin and Ad...at first masih malu2 utk berkawan..so they need some time for the ice breaking....and the swim pool is the perfect place for them....

We first went to Bukit Tinggi..sightseeing...visiting the japanese garden n the colmar tropicale...but sincerely the kids tak sabar nak check in n jump into the pool..hihihi..

The kids had a great time..and so do we..mama divas..we will plan for another vacation in the future with the kids...

Life is a journey..part III

Next journey is our camping @ Port Dickson. This was very very enjoying...divas camping...with BBQ n games...very successfull....

Honestly when the idea came, some guy at our office gave a negative comments...but with our determination n spirit they are not able to bring us down..hahahah GIRL POWER!!

Berkumpul di SIB seperti biasa..pack with all the our things...khemah (pinjam company punyer), all the jajans, n marinated chic,lamb n meat...huhuhuu awesome.

Good and enjoyable experience rite ladies...thumbs up!!!

Life is a journey..part II

Broadway @ DBKL

This time kami berlima dapat tiket free for the show..so kita decide to go tt nite just to enjoy the show and have fun (i mean berlibur, not that fun fun crazy)...

Me,Mama, Maji, Rozi and Shuk...

Well basically its a musical broadway..not bad..ok la...we enjoy the nite..cheers..

Life is a journey....

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh semua, setelah sekian lama menyepi disini ummi nak updates few event which are backdated (takpe kan).. nak menulis atau mencoret ni perlu a peace of mind...just to share some experience with u all.

Firstly ummi nak share our ekspidisi to Broga Hill...sadly mama tak ikut kami this trip but just want to share pemandangan di Broga and for those first time climbers or hikers..Broga Hill is just perfect for u...

Well, those are some of broga's beauty including us hahahha..its true rite... Good way of exercise..riadah yg cukup baik utk kita...kami mula mendaki around 6.30am after solat subuh di Petronas Semenyih..its public holidy that day (deepavali)and ramai nya org di Broga pagi tu..traffic jam semasa mendaki hehehhe..but it was awesome experience and terasa nak pergi lagi tapi tak tau bila...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Selawat ke atas Nabi Muhammad s.a.w

Rasulullah S.A.W telah bersabda bahwa, "Malaikat Jibril, Mikail, Israfil dan Izrail A.S. telah berkata kepadaku.

Berkata Jibril A.S. : "Wahai Rasulullah, barang siapa yang membaca selawat ke atasmu tiap-tiap hari sebanyak sepuluh kali, maka akan saya bimbing tangannya dan akan saya bawa dia melintasi titian seperti kilat menyambar."

Berkata pula Mikail A.S. : "Mereka yang berselawat ke atas kamu akan aku beri mereka itu minum dari telagamu."

Berkata pula Israfil A.S. : "Mereka yang berselawat kepadamu akan aku sujud kepada Allah S.W.T dan aku tidak akan mengangkat kepalaku sehingga Allah S.W.T mengampuni orang itu."

Malaikat Izrail A.S pula berkata : "Bagi mereka yang berselawat ke atasmu, akan aku cabut ruh mereka itu dengan selembut-lembutnya seperti aku mencabut ruh para nabi-nabi."

Apakah kita tidak cinta kepada Rasulullah S.A.W.? Para malaikat memberikan jaminan masing-masing untuk orang-orang yang berselawat ke atas Rasulullah S.A.W.

Dengan kisah yang dikemukakan ini, kami harap para pembaca tidak akan melepaskan peluang untuk berselawat ke atas junjungan kita Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. Mudah-mudahan kita menjadi orang-orang kesayangan Allah, Rasul dan para malaikat.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Asam Pedas @ The Curve

Went there with some my frens jam,ct n apit one weekend after they had a spring shopping at munawwarah, actually we are heading to ikea but must fill up our stomach first..crowded saturday n i always hated crowded place...huhuuuu..but it was a fine outing...even though we didnt find what we are looking for...

These are dishes that we ordered, mee goreng, kuey tiaw goreng, laksa, nasi lemak, nasi goreng and roti telur...overall the food taste good...sedapppp..n kenyang... and after tt kita ronda ikea...